How do I clean my J&K Cabinet?



If you're looking to clean your j and k cabinets, we want to help. We've found that a simple regimen of cleaning and mineral oil application can keep them in great condition for years to come. Here's how:

Use a soft bristle brush to remove loose dirt.

  • Use a soft bristle brush to remove loose dirt. Don't use a scrubbing brush or a wire brush, which can scratch the finish. Don't use abrasive cleaners or soap. To prevent scratching, try using an old toothbrush instead of a hard-bristled brush when cleaning your cabinets.*

Clean your cabinets with a damp cloth.

To clean your cabinets, follow these steps:

  • First, remove any dirt with a damp cloth. Use a soft bristle brush to remove caked-on stains or dirt if necessary.

  • Do not use cleaners or chemicals of any kind on your cabinet. This can damage the finish and cause it to peel away from the frame of the cabinet!

  • Don't use abrasive products like scouring pads; they will scratch your cabinet's surface and make it look worn out sooner than expected!

Wipe off excess moisture immediately with a dry cloth.

To clean your cabinet, wipe off excess moisture immediately with a dry cloth. Do not let the cabinet remain wet or use a wet cloth to wipe off excess moisture.

Finish up by applying a coat of mineral oil to the wood.

The last step is to apply a coat of mineral oil to the wood. Use a soft cloth and rub it over the entire surface of your cabinet until you see it taking on a shine. Apply one thin coat, then let it sit for at least 15 minutes before wiping off any excess oil and buffing with another clean cloth.

This will ensure that your J&K cabinet stays clean and beautiful for years to come.

  • Use a soft bristle brush to remove loose dirt.

  • Clean your cabinets with a damp cloth.

  • Wipe off excess moisture immediately with a dry cloth.

  • Finish up by applying a coat of mineral oil to the wood


There you have it: your J&K Cabinet is clean, shiny, and ready to show off!


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